Welcome to the
Appleton Thorn Village Hall

Welcome to the
Appleton Thorn Village Hall

Welcome to the ATVH



The Village Hall is now host to a regular once a month “walk in ” surgery with PCSO Colin Blanchard 20341 to discuss any concerns villagers may have, on Sundays 10am to 11am, see calendar for further dates.

Welcome to 2025

This Year is going to be very busy here at the Village Hall, we will be making significant investments into the improvement of our facilities. First major project over the easter period will be the construction of new surface drainage systems all around the building collecting surface and roof water, we estimate upto 3 weeks for this work which also includes the construction of a security barrier.  A new boiler will be installed in our kitchen area mid February replacing the old 20 yrs one. Further work is planned for the refurbishment of our old kitchen with new modern units and flooring, this work is planned for late July/August. 

We are able to carry out these significant improvements  due to two successful Grant applications and funding from the Members through our Membership scheme enabling everyone who use the Hall to benefit. 

The Trustees and committee wish to thank in advance everyone for their cooperation and understanding during this period …. we will do our best to keep any disruption to a minimum 

Last point , there will be the AGM held on the 19th March( further details to follow) please keep an eye on the notice board if anyone wishes to become a Trustee or committee member.

 Key Trustee Positions:

                           Chairman: Geoff Plass                            chairman@appletonthornvillagehall.co.uk

 Vice Chairman: Dewi Williams

                            Secretary; Dan Heaphy                            secretary@appletonthornvillagehall.co.uk

                             Treasurer: George Bedford                     treasurer@appletonthornvillagehall.co.uk


Appleton Thorn is a village in the South of Warrington, it lies on the B5356 between junction 9 and 10 on the Northbound side of the M56.

Our hall is situated in the centre of the village. The attractive sandstone building, once the village primary school is now a thriving community building. Purchased by the villagers in the early 1980’s, it is now run by a dedicated team of local people . The hall provides a home to a variety of local groups and community activities. It houses a large hall, a small comfortable lounge, a pool room and offers a kitchen and a fully serviced bar facility. It is available to hire for private parties and events offering ample parking.

The friendly Village Hall bar is open to its members on Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday evenings and on Sunday afternoons.

You are welcome to join us as a member or as a guest.


To review all current bookings,
please click here or on the button below:


Please feel welcome to join us as a member and
enjoy the benefits of membership.

It starts from as little as £5.00 per annum.
Click here or the button below for more details.

Local Bus Service

Warrington’s Own Buses have the CAT7 service which stops right outside the village hall. Visit their website to see service times:

Train Services

View train services near Appleton.

What's on

For local events in and around Appleton, visit Warrington Worldwide or the Warrington Guardian for updates:


Play the Warrington Community Lottery with a chance to win £25,000, whilst raising funds for our Village Hall!

Join the AT Dance School

Click the button below to join in with the Atomic Theatre Arts group (formerly Appleton Thorn Dance Group).